The Deluxe Edition includes one copy of The Inquisitor game, the digital compendium, the original so..
The Deluxe Edition includes one copy of The Inquisitor game, the digital compendium, the original soundtrack, and the awe-inspiring Grandmaster's Attire. Get ready to fulfill your inquisitorial duties to the Holy Office in style and strike fear into the hearts of all sinners within Koenigstein’s borders.
Prepare to fulfill your inquisitorial duties to the Holy Office with The Inquisitor - Deluxe Edition. Strike fear into the hearts of all sinners within Koenigstein’s borders using the awe-inspiring Grandmaster's Attire. And feast your eyes and ears on the digital compendium and original soundtrack.
Deluxe Edition Content:
- Original Soundtrack
- Digital Compendium
- Grandmaster's Attire
In order to activate this game, you will require a third-party 'Steam' account. For full details on how to activate please follow this link: